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Mold Cleanup and Restoration: Here’s What to Expect

Mold Cleanup and Restoration: Here’s What to Expect

In this blog, we’ll walk you through what to expect during the mold cleanup and restoration process — from the initial discovery of mold removal to the comprehensive steps professionals take to ensure your home is mold-free.

How Serious Is Water Damage and Mold?

How Serious Is Water Damage And Mold?

Water damage and mold are two interrelated issues that can have severe consequences on the structural properties of a building and the health of occupants. Water damage occurs when unwanted water infiltrates a building, leading to various problems. Mold, on the other hand, thrives in damp environments and can develop due to water damage.  It […]

Do I Need to Move Out of My House If I Find Mold?

Do I Need to Move Out Of My House If I Find Mold?

Mold growth is a common problem in homes and can happen anywhere there is moisture, such as in the bathroom, kitchen, basement, inside walls, and ceilings. Mold can cause health problems for people exposed to it, and it can be difficult to detect because it often grows in hidden areas.  In this article, we will […]

I Have Mold On My Bathroom Walls: What Do I Do?

I Have Mold On My Bathroom Walls: What Do I Do?

If you’ve got a problem with mold in your bathroom walls, it’s time to take action. But before we get started on how to fix the issue, let’s talk about why it happened in the first place.

Can Mold Make You Sick?

Can Mold Make You Sick?

Do you suspect that you have been exposed to mold? Perhaps you are wondering if mold exposure can make you sick.  The short answer is yes. However, we will guide you through identifying mold growth, understanding where it comes from, the health effects of mold exposure and how to treat them, and the importance of […]