Here’s What to Expect With a Biohazard Cleanup

Here’s What to Expect With a Biohazard Cleanup - Utah Water Damage Cleanup and Restoration Services

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When you think of biohazard cleanup, you probably imagine a massive crime scene or a lab experiment that has gone wrong. And while those situations do generally require hazmat suits and specialized removal of hazardous materials, many other situations fall under the umbrella of biohazard cleaning. 

You may think, “I’ll never deal with biohazard in my house,” and hopefully, you’re right. But hazardous situations can happen to anyone, and it’s important to know what the cleanup process looks like when it does happen. So here’s a look at everything you need to know about cleanup after a biohazard incident.

What Is a Biohazard?

A biohazard is defined as a biological agent or condition that is hazardous to humans or the environment. In short, it can be anything that poses harm. Examples include gasoline spills, viruses, mold, bodily fluids, and industrial chemicals. 

When you think of them that way, it’s easy to see how having a biohazard in my house is more realistic. It might be that you find black mold in the walls or had someone experience a medical emergency in your home. The problem is that a biohazard can cause serious issues regarding your family’s health and well-being. That’s why getting the problem resolved as quickly as possible is essential.

How Do I Know if I’m Dealing With a Biohazard?

It can be difficult to know when you’re dealing with a hazardous situation. For example, when your child falls and scrapes their knee, there’s bound to be some blood. But that does not necessarily require a disaster cleanup team to come out and help. Take a look at this quick guide that can help you identify when you’re dealing with a more severe hazard that needs professional attention:

  • Death, whether from homicide, suicide, or unattended death, this situation may warrant professional cleanup. There’s likely to be some blood or bodily fluids left behind, and they need to be cleaned up properly.
  • Hoarding is another common place where you might find biohazards. If you attempt to clean up a hoarding situation on your own, make sure you’re wearing protective gear, including goggles, a face mask, and gloves.
  • Animal infestations can also pose serious risks. Rodent feces and carcasses can transmit harmful bacteria and should not be ignored.
  • Mold and fungus infestations are another common in-home biohazard that requires specialized cleaning and removal. 
  • Accidents are often sources of biohazard materials, too. They may happen in the workplace, industrial settings, or even at home. If serious bodily fluids are left behind, or chemical spills of any kind occur, then professional cleanup is a must.
  • Sewage accidents typically result in black water, which can be extremely harmful to people and the environment. Sewer problems can result from burst pipes or rockslides, posing a real biohazard risk.

What Does a Biohazard Cleanup Look Like?

Many people may try to save themselves some money and attempt to clean up the hazardous materials on their own. This method is highly discouraged since biohazard cleanup takes specialized materials, safety equipment, and knowledge. It’s best to call a professional disaster cleanup team to handle the situation for you. Once you call in your situation, here’s what happens next.

  • Step 1: Containment

The first thing the cleanup crew will do is locate and contain the biohazard. Limiting the spread of the hazard is essential, so acting quickly is a must. This generally involves dressing in the appropriate safety gear, turning off any fans or HVAC units, blocking the affected areas, and establishing a safe zone. 

  • Step 2: Removal of Infected Items

Upholstered furniture, carpet, and other porous materials are difficult to fully clean without removing them, so they’re often removed in biohazard bags. Depending on the type and severity of the biohazard, it may then be cleaned and replaced or taken to a waste disposal facility. Infected materials that can be cleaned on-site will also be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using the appropriate cleaning solutions.

  • Step 3: Test the Air Quality 

Not all contaminants can be seen by the human eye. So once cleanup is complete, it’s essential to check the air quality for residual contaminants lurking in the walls, ground, or air. The surfaces in the area should also be tested for contaminants to ensure everything has been properly disinfected and the biohazard is entirely removed. 

  • Step 4: File an Insurance Claim

Losing all or part of your home to a disaster or a biohazard event can be devastating, but most insurance companies will help cover the loss. A professional disaster cleanup company will not only return your home to its original state, but they’ll also help you file a claim with your insurance company. In addition, they’ll help with documentation to prove that biohazard cleanup really was necessary so you can get back the money you lost throughout the situation.

Utah Disaster Clean Up Is Your Biohazard Cleanup Expert

You must call an expert for biohazard cleanup. Don’t attempt it on your own. Proper cleanup requires the right tools and knowledge to get the job done correctly, so you’re not leaving your home and family open to the risks of continuing to live with hazardous materials.

You’re probably thinking, “there’s nothing worse than finding a biohazard in my house,” and you might be right. That’s why Utah Disaster Cleanup is here to help. Just give us a call and we’ll be there within minutes, restoring your house to its original condition while you take care of everything else you’ve got going on.

So when you find yourself in the midst of a disaster, don’t trust just anyone to restore your home. Call the trusted experts at Utah Disaster Cleanup (435-512-1584). We are available 24/7 and provide our services across northern Utah, from Murray to Spanish Fork. We also offer cleanup and restoration for water, fire, storm, sewage, and mold damage. Call us today or fill out our simple online form to get a damage assessment and quote for your disaster cleanup!

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Yellow and black biohazard tape placed on a table, indicating a biohazard cleaning area for safety and caution.
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