Signs You Have Mold Poisoning – In Your Home and Body

Signs You Have Mold Poisoning - In Your Home and Body

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There are many sneaky dangers in the world. Mold is one of them, so it is essential to recognize the symptoms of mold exposure for your health. 

When mold grows in your home, it releases spores into the air containing mycotoxins. Indoor molds are more harmful than those found in the outdoor world. This is because the levels are higher (the spores are more condensed in a closed environment), and there tend to be more varieties of detrimental to your health. Mold is a formation of spores containing fungal secondary metabolites. 

Here are some facts about dangerous mold exposure that may affect your life: 

  • 50% of all homes contain mold. This includes spores found inside and outside your home. Spores can be extremely visible or hard to see by the human eye. 
  • 40% of people can develop asthma from mold exposure. Respiratory problems have shown their complicated face to those who reside in damp and unclean homes. 21% of those who develop asthma have a direct correlation with mold.  
  • 93% of chronic sinus infections are caused by mold exposure. 

Who is susceptible to mold? 

The unfortunate truth is that, if you already have issues with your immune system, you are more at risk of developing symptoms of mold exposure. Likewise, people with existing health problems are more susceptible to mold-related issues. 

More specifically, allergies, chronic diseases, and immune suppression will make an individual more likely to develop side effects from mold exposure. 

So let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. What are the symptoms of mold exposure in humans? 

There are various types of mold that a person may be exposed to. Some only experience symptoms seasonally (allergy related), while others are affected year-round. 

Are there people who are more susceptible to developing symptoms from mold exposure? Yes, which includes: 

  • Children. 
  • People with severe allergies. 
  • Older people, such as those who are 60 or above. 
  • Women who are pregnant. 
  • Babies. 
  • Someone with chronic respiratory conditions, such as asthma. 
  • Those who experience conditions that weaken the immune system, like cancer or HIV. 

Some of the most common mold symptoms are similar to those associated with the average cold or flu. Such as: 

  • Eye irritation, such as itchy, watery, or redness. 
  • Sore or excessively-dry throat problems. 
  • Runny or stuffy nose. 
  • Shortness of breath or wheezing. 
  • Sneezing. 
  • Dry-raspy cough. 
  • Brain fog (difficulty focusing)
  • General Malaise. 
  • Skin irritation, such as a rash, sores, and flaking. 

Prolonged mold exposure may also lead to a wet (mucus-filled) cough, fever, chest pain, or difficulty breathing. But that’s not all, you may have mold in or around your house, but if you are not careful about not eating food (such as bread), you may experience symptoms like: 

  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Aggravated allergy symptoms.
  • Nausea.

Unfortunately, some long-term effects are associated with mold exposure. This may include symptoms such as fatigue, chronic sinusitis, development of asthma, exasperated allergies, organ damage, upper and lower respiratory symptoms, and Legionnaires disease. 

None of these issues sound enticing, so if there is even a smidge of a chance that you may develop them due to mold exposure, wouldn’t you want to know what the best steps are to prevent potential health problems? 

Now onto the one and only dreaded black mold. How do you know if you have black mold in your house? 

Unfortunately, mold isn’t always visible. However, if you can see it, it is on the verge of becoming a bigger problem for you and your loved one’s health (this includes pets). Black mold is typically not airborne 

unless the spores are disturbed. But this type of mold is riddled with harmful contaminants. 

You may not know that you have been exposed to mold, but it is wise to be aware of your symptoms when you are in or out of your house. If the symptoms disappear or become less prominent outside your home, you might have a mold problem. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it is not there tarnishing your living space. 

Here are three signs that you may have black mold within your home: 

  • Growth spots of varying colors are a sign of black mold. However, the name implies that it only shows its ugly face in incredibly dark splotches. However, shades of orange with flecks of white, dark green, and dark brown are signs of black mold. 
  • Mold has a very distinct smell, often described as “musty” or “earthy.” Mold usually grows in areas that have been exposed to moisture. Recognizing that your environment has an off scent to it, you may want to give it a closer inspection for mold growth and consider mold remediation
  • If the structure of your home shows signs of water damage, you may have a breeding ground for mold growth. If you’ve experienced a leaky roof, damage from outside elements, or water spots within the walls, you may be in the beginning stages of having a mold issue.  

If your environment shows signs of mold, and you decide to tackle the issue on your own, you should be sure to take the proper safety precautions. You’ll want to address a mold problem by wearing appropriate safety gear, such as: 

  • Safety mask. 
  • Latex gloves.
  • Safety goggles.
  • Long sleeves and full-length pants. 
  • A full-body jumpsuit, like a painter’s suit. 

So how do you get rid of harmful mold? 

There are plenty of DIY mold removal options that you can find on the internet. Some are effective, some not so much. A DIY treatment might be the way to go if your problem is minor. However, you don’t want to mess about when it comes to mold exposure. The smart idea is to hire a professional to rid your life of mold. The moral of this entire story is that mold is harmful, sneaky, and should be removed from your environment as soon as possible. 

If you are experiencing any mold poisoning symptoms, give Utah Disaster Clean Up & Restoration a call today. We can answer any questions you have about mold remediation. We are available 24/7. Give us a call at 435-512-1584 or contact us on our site. We are here to help. 

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